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From LEO Ratings is celebrating our 3rd full year of researching incidents involving law enforcement officers in the U.S. In the last year, we've added 336 incidents, 255 officers, 95 agencies, and 2 states. Please help us by following, liking, commenting, retweeting/sharing, and telling a friend to spread the word!
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This site strives to be an independent single point of data for all public incident reports regarding law enforcement officers in the United States. We try to find all the information and have no agenda other than data! Use the site to learn more about current events, law enforcement, media bias, etc.

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Recent articles: Joshua Nahulu, James Broadwater, Eddie Duran, Darryl Gamble (2023), Jaemaun Joyner (2024)

To check for incidents in your area, please use the search page or try a random incident.