Darryl Gamble (2023)

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Officer-Involved Shooting

On June 29, 2023, Baltimore Maryland Police Department Stephen Romey located Gamble, who had an outstanding warrant. As Gamble drove, his car became disabled. Gamble exited his car and fired at Romey's vehicle before running off. Officers Matthew Banocy, Nicholas DeJesus, Austin Gutridge, Connor Johnson, and Nevin Nolte arrived and exchanged gunfire with Gamble, striking him.[1]

Officers rendered aid until paramedics arrived. Gamble died at the scene.[2]

The incident was captured on officers' body-worn cameras and home surveillance cameras.[3]

The officers were placed in administrative leave.[1]

State law requires the Attorney General to investigate police-involved incidents where an individual is killed or sustains injuries that are likely to result in death.[4]

The Baltimore City State's Attorney's Office opened a criminal investigation.[2]

On December 20, 2023, the Attorney General provided their report to the Baltimore City State's Attorney's Office.[4]

The State's Attorney's Office concluded that the officers were "confronted with deadly force and therefore were authorized to use deadly force" and that no criminal charges would be filed.[2]

Officers Involved


Recent articles: Joshua Nahulu, James Broadwater, Eddie Duran, Darryl Gamble (2023), Jaemaun Joyner (2024)

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